
Q4, week 3 skedj.

Note: Course evals are the first 20 minutes of class this week Wednesday. Report to the computer lab before coming to class.


In Class: Vergible Woods, part two; essay introduction.
Homework: Ch. 16-18, pp. 138-167 (30).

Day 2.
In Class: Mrs. Turner, Motor Boat, et al.
Homework: Ch. 19 & 20, pp. 168-193 (26). Also, generate a final discussion question for student-led discussion. Question must be cumulative in nature and must address the resolution of a particular aspect of the novel, for example, with respect to character, theme, symbol, extended metaphor, etc.

Day 3.
In Class: Open topic graded discussion.
Homework: Afterword, pp. 195-205 (11) and essay thesis and supporting evidence.

In Class: Writing day.
Homework: Their Eyes Were Watching God essay. Due next Wednesday via Turn It In.

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