
"Will faithfully execute," or "will execute faithfully"?

Chief Justice Roberts' flub of the Oath of Office at Tuesday's inauguration has been attributed to his grammar hang up. Read about it in the New York Times: "Oaf of Office."


More on Inaugural poetry.

Check out Elizabeth Alexander's inaugural poem, "Praise Song for the Day" in both text and video, and watch her pre-inauguration interview on PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.

Also, from NPR.com: "We have commissioned some of the nation's most renowned poets to write their own inaugural poems. The real inaugural poems have usually been serious and sweeping affairs. But not so for [this] exercise. From lyrics to limericks, raps to rhymes, [these] poets express what the inauguration means to them—in verse."

Read about and hear all of the poems here: "Inaugural Poetry 2009."